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==Scholarly Social Machines==
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description  scientific article
id  Vol-1878/article-05
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title  Scholarly Social Machines
pdfUrl  https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1878/article-05.pdf
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Scholarly Social Machines

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                  Scholarly Social Machines

                              David De Roure 1,📜
           1Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

     Identifier: http://www.oerc.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/users/user384

     In Reply To: https://linkedresearch.org/calls

Despite many attempts to perturb a scholarly publishing system that is over
350 years old, it feels pretty much like business as usual.[1] Here I question
whether we have become trapped inside the machine, and argue that if we
want to change anything in an informed way then we need to step outside and
take a look. How do we do this? First I describe what I mean by a social ma‐
chine, and the “scholarly social machines ecosystem”. The article closes with a
list of questions that I believe we need to be asking.

The evolutionary growth of new social engines
Once upon a time, interacting with digital content was an option, as was turn‐
ing to social networking sites to communicate with friends and colleagues. To‐
day our lives are mandatorily mediated by technology that enables academic,
social, economic and cultural interactions at scale. Our widespread adoption of
Web, laptop and smartphone, with many more devices still to come, means we
find ourselves living in interleaved physical and virtual worlds.
   The design and analysis of these socio-technical systems has attracted much
academic attention, exploring both social science and computer science per‐
spectives. Here we focus on one model in particular, because it is an abstrac‐
tion that underpins the Web—it is the Social Machine.
   Tim Berners-Lee provides a definition of Social Machines in his book Weav‐
ing the Web:[2] “processes in which the people do the creative work and the
machine does the administration”. A less quoted but more complete definition
follows in the same passage: “The stage is set for an evolutionary growth of
new social engines. The ability to create new forms of social process would be
given to the world at large, and development would be rapid.” Written in
1999, Berners-Lee was already anticipating the “social engines” like Wikipedia
and twitter that were to follow over several years.
In 2012 a consortium of UK universities embarked on the SOCIAM project,
its five year mission to explore The Theory and Practice of Social Machines.
The SOCIAM team started their journey by identifying individual social ma‐
chines to study, and – like true explorers – endeavouring to identify and cate‐
gorise the social machines that were out there in the jungle. For example,
Wikipedia became a popular embodiment of the notion of the Social Machine
– an open platform, operating at scale, widely known and observed, clearly so‐
cially constituted, and complete with a crowd and automation.
   The SOCIAM project went on to study many others, and especially Zooni‐
verse, which evolved from the Galaxy Zoo citizen science site into a kind of so‐
cial machine factory. In its latest incarnation it’s a platform that empowers
citizens to create their own social machines — recalling that empowerment un‐
derpins that original definition.
   Significantly, Zooniverse represents a new way of conducting scholarship, ex‐
ploiting the new affordances of the digital, especially scale, automation and
empowerment. Can our knowledge infrastructure[3] cope with this shift in
scholarship? We return to this question later.

The Scholarly Social Machines Ecosystem
Studying individual machines is clearly important in order to understand how
to build them. But over time citizens typically engage with more than one so‐
cial machine, and really we have a socially-coupled ecosystem of social ma‐
chines. We need to understand this ecosystem: as designers we are not really
creating standalone social machines, but making an intervention in the ecosys‐
tem with an intended outcome in mind (and what happens might be com‐
pletely different).
   Interested in the ecosystem angle from the outset, I observed the auto-
ethnographic opportunity: we are all engaged in a “scholarly social machines”
ecosystem. We author, review and publish; we generate born-digital content
and repositories to put it in; we discover and read and recommend; we crowd‐
source our research and we engage the public. Also we use software for our re‐
search, and this lives in an adjacent region of the ecosystem, the land with
github, stack overflow and other social machines coupled by developers and re‐
search software engineers.
   In scholarly communications, traditional centralised monolithic processes
looked set to give way to a vibrant ecosystem of new intermediaries through‐
out the research lifecycle and for every aspect of communication — and sig‐
nificantly they are available for us (and our service providers) to select and to
assemble, joined up by DOIs, APIs and ORCIDs. For me it is this very ability
to assemble, reconfigure and repurpose social machines that makes them dis‐
tinctive in the landscape of sociotechnical models. This is not to say that
�scholarly social machines need to be mediated by IT: we have also looked at a
historical perspective, not just pre-web but early modern.[4]
   So I made an early slide with the logos of various tools, websites, platforms
and publishers that were being promoted at events like the FORCE confer‐
ences. Since then I’ve spotted many similar slides – but the logos change
quickly, because this ecosystem is quite dynamic, and natural selection is at
play. We see disintermediation and new intermediaries, at various granulari‐
ties. And we see historical intermediaries, like publishers, acting to avoid disin‐
termediation—I once called this phenomenon ‘antidisintermediationarianism’.

Trapped inside the machine
Social machines give us a lens and an opportunity for academic insight into a
vital ecosystem, but in practice this ecosystem hasn’t attracted the attention I
hoped. Reflecting on this, I think it might be precisely because we are inside
the machine and find it hard to step outside and take a look at ourselves.
   We still talk in traditional terms. We talk about data but forget about soft‐
ware. We don’t discuss how citizen science doesn’t fit very well. When time or
resource for change is limited, everything looks like open access (yet again)
and the parallel world of open data that has been invented to mimic it. We
forget about cultural publishing differences and look for one size fits all. And
we write yet more reports that say pretty much the same things.
   And then there’s the Catch-22: the way we try to tackle the problem is to
use traditional publishing, to use the very machines that we believe are flawed.
For example, you are (probably) reading this article in the existing social ma‐
chine (and if you’re not then congratulations, you escaped! And I offer you
this piece as a historical artifact from an uncertain time, with an uncertain ar‐
chive, and congratulate you on a miracle of preservation and discovery).
   And then there are the antidisintermediationists, who would rather everyone
stayed inside publishing as we know it, seducing us with the familiarity of a
revamped status quo instead of a radical rethink.

The view from outside
But I believe we must step outside, because as long as we are inside we are
not asking important and hard bigger questions. Here are some examples:
1. We know that the real-time data supply to our research is going to increase
dramatically, but have we really thought about what this will do to the
ecosystem? Is our knowledge infrastructure ready? Have we rehearsed the
methods, and if so where?
2. Can we achieve the full potential of shifts in scholarship, such as citizen sci‐
ence and its augmentation through machine learning, and facilitate rather
than constrain further innovation?
�3. Are our teams ready? Can you tell me what research team sizes we will be
working with in the future? What specialists do we need? How restricted are
we by disciplinary silos?
4. How much will be automated? What percentage of academic content will be
produced by machine? Consumed by machine?
5. Which components and processes will become obsolete? Are we ready to re‐
place rather than revamp? Will policy interventions be effective, and will they
have unexpected side effects? e.g. What percentage of publications need to
comply with FAIR or data citation principles to have a useful effect?
6. And once we figure out what we need to do, how do we figure out the best
interventions to achieve it?
7. How do we use social machines as an abstraction that helps describe, under‐
stand, analyse, and model the scholarly social machines ecosystem?
8. And finally, how do we evidence the optimum granularities in our scholarly
communications ecosystem on the spectrum between extreme decentralisation,
which aims to empower the individual and community, and massive monolithic
social platforms which harness collective energies to benefit a smaller con‐

   Perhaps it will help if we look at a different ecosystem and then turn round
and look back at ours. The software ecosystem is an excellent exemplar but
still quite close. So I offer the social machines of music: downloads, streaming ,
music recognition, music publishing, uploads, fandom. Why is this relevant?
Well for one thing, the music industry has “gone digital” end to (nearly) end,
in a way that science still aspires to.[5] It’s about planning, performance,
recording, production, distribution, discovery, delivery, consumption and reuse.
It’s about creativity, and fundamentally it’s about people.

I am grateful to many colleagues who have engaged in discussions about schol‐
arly social machines, including Dave Murray-Rust, Ségolène Tarte, Pip Will‐
cox, and the participants in the Social Humanities workshop at the Digital
Humanities Oxford Summer School 2016.
   This article is a response to the Call for Linked Research.

1. De Roure, D., (2014). The future of scholarly communications. Insights.
27(3), pp.233–238. doi: 10.1629/2048-7754.171
2. Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Fischetti. 1999. Weaving the Web: The Original De‐
sign and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its Inventor (1st ed.).
Harper San Francisco.
3. Edwards, P. N., Jackson, S. J., Chalmers, M. K., Bowker, G. C., Borgman,
�C. L., Ribes, D., Burton, M., & Calvert, S. (2013) Knowledge Infrastructures:
Intellectual Frameworks and Research Challenges. Ann Arbor: Deep Blue.
4. David De Roure and Pip Willcox (2015). Coniunction, with the participa‐
tion of Society: Citizens, Scale, and Scholarly Social Machines. Scholarly
Communications Workshop, Boston, MA. April 2015. Available on
5. David De Roure, Graham Klyne, Kevin R. Page, John Pybus, David M.
Weigl, Matthew Wilcoxson, Pip Willcox (2016). Plans and performances: Par‐
allels in the production of science and music. 2016 IEEE 12th International
Conference on e-Science, Baltimore, MD, 2016, pp. 185-192. doi: