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name  Volume
pluralName  Volumes
icon  Volume-64px.png
icon Url  /images/ceur-ws/5/53/Volume-64px.png
documentation  A Volume is a collection of papers mostly documenting the results of an academic event
wikiDocumentation  A Volume is a collection of papers mostly documenting the results of an academic event
default storemode  property
list Limit  4000
use cargo  false
context  CeurwsSchema


Volume acronymacronymacronymTypes/text2falsefalse50falseThe official acronym/short name of the VolumeVolume
Volume datedatedateTypes/Date7falsefalse10falseThe publication date of the volumeVolume
Volume dblpdblpdblpTypes/External identifier8falsefalse20falseThe dblp publication id of the volumeVolume
Volume descriptiondescriptiondescriptionTypes/text5falsefalse50falseA wikidata compatible description of the volumeVolume
Volume k10plusk10plusk10plusTypes/External identifier9falsefalse20falseThe k10 plus PPN id of the volumeVolume
Volume numbernumbernumberTypes/Number11truetrue50falseThe number VolumeVolume
Volume titletitletitleTypes/Text4true300falsetextareaThe title of the VolumeVolume
Volume urlurlurlTypes/text6falsefalse50falseThe url of the volumeVolume
Volume urnurnurnTypes/External identifier10falsefalse20falseThe URN-NBN id of the volumeVolume
Volume wikidataidwikidataidwikidataidTypes/External identifier3truefalse50falseThe wikidataid of the volumeVolume


A Volume is a collection of papers mostly documenting the results of an academic event


Description of concept "Volume"RDF feed


see also

topic links:* Category:Paper

[[Volume number::+]]