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Context | |
name | CrSchema |
since | 2020/07/22 |
copyright | ConfIDent project/Wolfgang Fahl |
master | |
name | pluralName | icon | iconUrl | documentation | wikiDocumentation | defaultstoremode | listLimit | cargo | headerTabs | context | |
City | City | Cities | ![]() | /images/cr/9/9e/CityIcon-64px.png | large permanent human settlement | large permanent human settlement | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
Country | Country | Countries | ![]() | /images/cr/4/4c/CountryIcon-64px.png | distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics | distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
Event | Event | Events | ![]() | /images/cr/e/e0/EventLogo-64px.png | a meeting of researchers at a specific time and place | a meeting of researchers at a specific time and place (virtual or physical) and with a specific thematic focus to present, hear and discuss research outputs | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
EventSeries | EventSeries | EventSeries | ![]() | /images/cr/d/d1/EventSeriesLogo-64px.png | a series of Events | a series of Events | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
Institution | Institution | Institutions | ![]() | /images/6/6a/Institution-Icon.png | structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community | According to wikidata an Institution is a structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
Region | Region | Regions | ![]() | /images/thumb/d/d2/RegionIcon.png/48px-RegionIcon.png | first-level administrative country subdivision e.g. Region/province | first-level administrative country subdivision | property | 200 | false | CrSchema | |
Scholar | Scholar | Scholars | ![]() | /images/5/5b/ScholarIcon-64px.png | scholar/researcher: person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise | [1] person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise see also scholar | property | 200 | false | CrSchema |
# Context:CrSchema
CrSchema isA Context
"CrSchema" is name of it
"" is master of it
"2020-07-22" is since of it
# EventSeries
EventSeries isA Topic
"EventSeries" is name of it
"EventSeries" is pluralName of it
"a series of Events" is documentation of it
"a series of Events" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:EventSeriesLogo-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/cr/d/d1/EventSeriesLogo-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
EventSeries_acronym addsTo it
EventSeries_description addsTo it
EventSeries_title addsTo it
EventSeries_homepage addsTo it
EventSeries_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of Event
# property acronym
EventSeries_acronym isA Property
"acronym" is name of it
"acronym" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The official acronym of the event series. " is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"EventSeries" is topic of it
# property description
EventSeries_description isA Property
"description" is name of it
"description" is label of it
"text" is type of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"A wikidata compatible description of the event series" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"EventSeries" is topic of it
# property title
EventSeries_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"text" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The title of the event series. " is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"EventSeries" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
EventSeries_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
4 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the event series" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"EventSeries" is topic of it
# property homepage
EventSeries_homepage isA Property
"homepage" is name of it
"homepage" is label of it
"url" is type of it
5 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The homepage of the event series" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"EventSeries" is topic of it
# Event
Event isA Topic
"Event" is name of it
"Events" is pluralName of it
"a meeting of researchers at a specific time and place" is documentation of it
"a meeting of researchers at a specific time and place (virtual or physical) and with a specific thematic focus to present, hear and discuss research outputs " is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:EventLogo-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/cr/e/e0/EventLogo-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Event_acronym addsTo it
Event_description addsTo it
Event_title addsTo it
Event_homepage addsTo it
Event_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of Event
# property acronym
Event_acronym isA Property
"acronym" is name of it
"acronym" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The official acronym of the academic event, if it has one. " is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Event" is topic of it
# property description
Event_description isA Property
"description" is name of it
"description" is label of it
"text" is type of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"A wikidata compatible description of the event" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Event" is topic of it
# property title
Event_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"text" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The title of the event series. " is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Event" is topic of it
# property homepage
Event_homepage isA Property
"homepage" is name of it
"homepage" is label of it
"url" is type of it
4 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The homepage of the event" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Event" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Event_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the event" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Event" is topic of it
# City
City isA Topic
"City" is name of it
"Cities" is pluralName of it
"large permanent human settlement" is documentation of it
"[ large permanent human settlement]" is wikiDocumentation of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"File:CityIcon-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/cr/9/9e/CityIcon-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
City_name addsTo it
City_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of City
# property name
City_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the city" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"City" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
City_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the city" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"City" is topic of it
# Country
Country isA Topic
"Country" is name of it
"Countries" is pluralName of it
"distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics" is documentation of it
"[ distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics]" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:CountryIcon-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/cr/4/4c/CountryIcon-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Country_name addsTo it
Country_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of Country
# property name
Country_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the Country" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Country" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Country_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the Country" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Country" is topic of it
# Region
Region isA Topic
"Region" is name of it
"Regions" is pluralName of it
"first-level administrative country subdivision e.g. Region/province" is documentation of it
"[ first-level administrative country subdivision]" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:RegionIcon-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/thumb/d/d2/RegionIcon.png/48px-RegionIcon.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Region_name addsTo it
Region_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of Region
# property name
Region_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the Region" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Region" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Region_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the Region" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Region" is topic of it
Proceedings isA Topic
"Proceedings" is name of it
"Proceedings" is pluralName of it
"Proceedings are a collection of papers mostly documenting the results of an academic event" is documentation of it
"Proceedings are a collection of papers mostly documenting the results of an academic event" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:Proceedings-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/cr/c/c7/Proceedings-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
4000 is listLimit of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Proceedings_wikidataid addsTo it
Proceedings_title addsTo it
# properties of Proceedings
# property wikidataid
Proceedings_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidata Q-Identifier of the Proceedings record" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Proceedings" is topic of it
# property title
Proceedings_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
"textarea" is inputType of it
2 is index of it
2 is sortPos of it
true is mandatory of it
300 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The title of the Proceedings" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Proceedings" is topic of it
# Scholar
Scholar isA Topic
"Scholar" is name of it
"Scholars" is pluralName of it
"scholar/researcher: person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise" is documentation of it
"[] person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise see also [ scholar]" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:ScholarIcon-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/5/5b/ScholarIcon-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Scholar_name addsTo it
Scholar_firstName addsTo it
Scholar_description addsTo it
Scholar_homepage addsTo it
Scholar_dblpId addsTo it
Scholar_orcid addsTo it
Scholar_wikiDataId addsTo it
Scholar_googleScholarUser addsTo it
Scholar_linkedInId addsTo it
# ResearchGate profile ID
Scholar_researchGate_profile_ID addsTo it
Scholar_gndId addsTo it
Scholar_smartCRMId addsTo it
# properties of Scholar
# property wikiDataId
Scholar_wikiDataId isA Property
"wikiDataId" is name of it
"wikiDataId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
1 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"wikidata id of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property name
Scholar_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"text" is type of it
2 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The last name of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property firstNname
Scholar_firstName isA Property
"firstName" is name of it
"firstName" is label of it
"text" is type of it
3 is index of it
2 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The first name of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property description
Scholar_description isA Property
"description" is name of it
"description" is label of it
"text" is type of it
4 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"A wikidata compatible description of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property homepage
Scholar_homepage isA Property
"homepage" is name of it
"homepage" is label of it
"url" is type of it
5 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The homepage of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property orcid
Scholar_orcid isA Property
"orcid" is name of it
"orcid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
6 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"orcid id of the scholar it is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in " is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property dblpId
Scholar_dblpId isA Property
"dblpId" is name of it
"dblpId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
7 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"dblp id of the scholar as index in" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property googleScholarUser
Scholar_googleScholarUser isA Property
"googleScholarUser" is name of it
"googleScholarUser" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
8 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"googleScholarUser Author id of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property linkedInId
Scholar_linkedInId isA Property
"linkedInId" is name of it
"linkedInId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
9 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"linkedIn id of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# ResearchGate profile ID
Scholar_researchGate_profile_ID isA Property
"researchGate" is name of it
"researchGate" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
10 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"research gate profile id of the scholar as indexed in" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property gndId
Scholar_gndId isA Property
"gndId" is name of it
"gndId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
11 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"gnd id of the scholar as indexed in" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# property smartCRMId
Scholar_smartCRMId isA Property
"smartCRMId" is name of it
"smartCRMId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
12 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"smartCRM id of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Scholar" is topic of it
# Institution
Institution isA Topic
"Institution" is name of it
"Institutions" is pluralName of it
"structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community" is documentation of it
"According to wikidata an [ Institution] is a structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:Institution-Icon.png" is icon of it
"/images/6/6a/Institution-Icon.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Institution_title addsTo it
#("official_website","P856"), # 59.1%
Institution_homepage addsTo it
Institution_wikidataid addsTo it
Institution_location addsTo it
Institution_smartCRMId addsTo it
#("short_name","P1813"), # 2.0 %
#("inception","P571"), # 65.8 %
#("image","P18"), # 15.2 %
#("country","P17"), # 88.8 %
#("located_in","P131"), # 51.9 %
#("coordinate_location","P625") # 44.0 %
# properties of Institution
# property title
Institution_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name/title of the Institution" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Institution" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Institution_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"wikidata id of the Institution" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Institution" is topic of it
# property homepage
Institution_homepage isA Property
"homepage" is name of it
"homepage" is label of it
"url" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
100 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The homepage of the Institution" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Institution" is topic of it
# property smartCRMId
Institution_smartCRMId isA Property
"smartCRMId" is name of it
"smartCRMId" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
4 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"smartCRM id of the scholar" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Institution" is topic of it
# Paper
Paper isA Topic
"Paper" is name of it
"Papers" is pluralName of it
"A paper is e.g. a scholarly article" is documentation of it
"A paper is e.g. a scholarly article" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:Paper-logo-64px.png" is icon of it
"/images/e/e7/Paper-logo-64px.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"CrSchema" is context of it
Paper_id addsTo it
Paper_wikidataid addsTo it
Paper_description addsTo i
Paper_title addsTo it
Paper_pdfUrl addsTo it
1000 is listLimit of it
# properties of Paper
# property id
Paper_id isA Property
"id" is name of it
"id" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The id (filename) of the Paper" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Paper" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Paper_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"wikidataid" is label of it
"External identifier" is type of it
"$1" is formatterURI of it
2 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The wikidataid of the paper" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Paper" is topic of it
# property description
Paper_description isA Property
"description" is name of it
"description" is label of it
"text" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"A wikidata compatible description of the paper" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Paper" is topic of it
# property title
Paper_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"textarea" is inputType of it
"Text" is type of it
true is mandatory of it
4 is index of it
300 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The title of the Paper" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Paper" is topic of it
# property pdfUrl
Paper_pdfUrl isA Property
"pdfUrl" is name of it
"pdf" is label of it
"URL" is type of it
false is mandatory of it
5 is index of it
false is uploadable of it
"the url for the pdf of this paper" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Paper" is topic of it
# TopicLinks
# Event n : 1 EventSeries
Event_in_Series isA TopicLink
"eventInSeries" is name of it
"series" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"EventSeries" is source of it
"events" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Event" is target of it
# Event n : 1 City
Event_in_City isA TopicLink
"eventInCity" is name of it
"city" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"City" is source of it
"event" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Event" is target of it
# Event n : 1 Region
Event_in_Region isA TopicLink
"eventInRegion" is name of it
"region" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"Region" is source of it
"event" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Event" is target of it
# Event n : 1 Country
Event_in_Country isA TopicLink
"eventInCountry" is name of it
"country" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"Country" is source of it
"event" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Event" is target of it
# Scholar 1 : n Institution
Scholar_affiliation_Institution isA TopicLink
"affiliation" is name of it
"affiliations" is sourceRole of it
true is sourceMultiple of it
"Institution" is source of it
"scholars" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Scholar" is target of it
# Event 1 : n Event
Event_colocated_with_Event isA TopicLink
"colocated_with_event" is name of it
"colocated_with" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"Event" is source of it
"colocated Events" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Event" is target of it
# Paper n : m Author
Authors_of_Paper isA TopicLink
"authors of paper" is name of it
"papers" is targetRole of it
"Paper" is target of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Scholar" is source of it
"authors" is sourceRole of it
"," is separator of it
true is sourceMultiple of it
# Institution n : 1 Country
Institution_in_Country isA TopicLink
"institutionInCountry" is name of it
"country" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"Country" is source of it
"institution" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"Institution" is target of it