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ScholarIcon-64px.pngScholarScholarScholarsscholar/researcher: person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise


[1] person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise see also scholar

Example Scholars

Adrian Paschke, Aidan Hogan, Anastasia Dimou, Andreas Harth, Barbara Pernici, Christian Bizer, Christoph Lange, Dieter Fensel, Edoardo Ramalli, Francesco Osborne, Horst Lichter, Ilaria Tiddi, Kevin Angele, Manfred Jeusfeld, Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Matteo Baldoni, Maxim Kolchin, Meike Klettke, Natanael Arndt, Nicola Ferro, Pasquale Lops, Philipp Mayr, Ruben Verborgh, Sabbier M. Rashid, Sandra Geisler, Sarven Capadisli, Stefan Decker, Stefan Klessinger, Stefan Krawczyk, Stefanie Scherzinger, Sören Auer, Tim Berners-Lee, Umutcan Şimşek, Uta Störl, Wolfgang Fahl


Scholar affiliationsaffiliationsTypes/Pageaffiliationsaffiliations
Scholar dblpIddblp id of the scholar as index in identifierdblpIddblpIdfalsefalse
Scholar descriptionA wikidata compatible description of the scholarTypes/textdescriptiondescriptionfalsefalse
Scholar firstNameThe first name of the scholarTypes/textfirstNamefirstNamefalsefalse
Scholar gndIdgnd id of the scholar as indexed in identifiergndIdgndIdfalsefalse
Scholar googleScholarUsergoogleScholarUser Author id of the scholarTypes/External identifiergoogleScholarUsergoogleScholarUserfalsefalse
Scholar homepageThe homepage of the scholarTypes/urlhomepagehomepagefalsefalse
Scholar linkedInIdlinkedIn id of the scholarTypes/External identifierlinkedInIdlinkedInIdfalsefalse
Scholar nameThe last name of the scholarTypes/textnamenametruefalse
Scholar orcidorcid id of the scholar it is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in http://orcid.orgTypes/External identifierorcidorcidfalsefalse
Scholar researchGateresearch gate profile id of the scholar as indexed in https://www.researchgate.netTypes/External identifierresearchGateresearchGatefalsefalse
Scholar smartCRMIdsmartCRM id of the scholarTypes/External identifiersmartCRMIdsmartCRMIdfalsefalse
Scholar wikiDataIdwikidata id of the scholarTypes/External identifierwikiDataIdwikiDataIdfalsefalse


see also

topic links:* Category:Paper